Explore our extensive collection of training materials designed to equip you with essential skills for your IT career. Access videos tailored to your expertise level, created by beloved streamers and industry influencers. These resources will guide your journey to becoming an IT expert with practical knowledge to enhance your learning experience.
Our training programs are organized by experience level to help you find the right content for your career stage:
0-2 years of experience.
This level includes individuals new to IT, often building foundational skills and gaining hands-on experience.
Common roles include Help Desk Technician, Junior System Administrator, Junior Web Developer, IT Support Specialist, and Network Technician.
2-5 years of experience.
Professionals at this stage manage more complex tasks, work independently, and may begin specializing.
Common roles include System Administrator, Network Administrator, DevOps Engineer, Database Administrator, Cloud Engineer, and QA Analyst/Tester.
5+ years of experience.
Experts take on leadership or highly specialized roles, driving innovation and strategy.
Common roles include Senior System Administrator, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), Solutions Architect, FinOps Practitioner/Engineer, Cybersecurity Analyst, and IT Manager/Director.
Please select a training level and category from the menu above to see available courses.